Best Practices for Documentation in Datahub: Editing in UI vs. CSV Ingestion

Original Slack Thread

Hi. New to Datahub. Just wondering what the best practices are for getting documentation into Datahub, and manually entered by business intelligence and product people who are actually close to the data.

Do you suggest they edit the “add documentation” directly in the datahub UI, as well as column description, etc?

Or do you recommend sonething else like CSV ingestion, a bulk load of metadata?

hi <@U064583E403>
Do you suggest they edit the “add documentation” directly in the datahub UI, as well as column description, etc ?

Yes, they can edit documentation directly in the DataHub UI and its a common and recommended approach, especially for individual columns, datasets, or specific metadata

Is there a way to get this information into the csv formats that can theoretically be re-ingested if necessary? Another one of our goals is to be able to keep all changes in our source control.