Controlling the "About" Section in Asset Documentation

Original Slack Thread

Hi, quick and simple question but I couldn’t find the answer. Is there anyway to choose what is shown in the “About” section of an Asset?. We find ourselves completing the “Documentation” part and the “About” section that gets filled from it end up weird in formatting and long without need… Any pointers? Thanks!

hmm i think you’d ned to share an example for this to help you

Sure, following is the image from a Data Product for example (but it happens in all assets). When you start completing the “Documentation”, the “About” section in the top right gets filled as well depending on what you are writing in “Documentation”. The thing is that it gets a little messy because is trying to put in a simple textbox something that has formatting and headings and so on.attachment

Is there any way to at least only show the first heading? or have some kind of contrl over the “About” section?

Ah I see Lucas- so this is a feature on our roadmap we expect to ship in Q1 next year

How does that line up with your timeline?

Great!, it’s clearly a format thing so we can manage without that for a while. Thanks for the response!

Nice- how has your rollout been otherwise?

To be honest we are in the middle of it. We are trying to establish a strategy more assertive because we went with a flexible approach and didn’t achieve the engagement that we wanted. So for example we are establishing documentation sections among other stuff (like tags or glossary terms to classify and describe) and some data product certification path along them (like bronze, silver, gold or something similar) depending on how much is completed. So for Source Aligned products (that for us are essentialy BigQuery Datasets) define a certification path with specific characteristics to complete and for Consumer Aligned products (that are “Data Products” of Datahub) another one. Metrics about this should do the trick we think (an insight from the last session of “decoding…”).

So when I was setting up an example and analyzing the end result I came across this. I’m interested too in the assertions functionality that was shown in a previous Townhall (I don’t know if it’s gonna be available in the open-source version) because it enables me to put this sections automatically and easier to see if they are completed or not.