Customizing Local UI to Match Demo Navigation and Filter Panes

Original Slack Thread

Hi, just looking at the UI at and notice the navigation and filter panes are positioned differently than our local install.
The demo nav looks really nice. How can we customise local install to look like this?attachmentattachment

Hi Deirdre, AFAIK this is the latest UI version of DH - <@U03BEML16LB> could you confirm what version are we using for demo?

Thanks for the reply <@U04QRNY4ZHA> We’re using v0.10.4, which I think is the latest released version. Maybe demo is on a wip version?

hey! demo is indeed based on head of our master branch so it’s the latest version thing we have. I believe we offer this in 0.10.4 as well but the flags are default off. You can turn the feature flags on where in GMS you can set SHOW_BROWSE_V2 to true as well as SHOW_SEARCH_FILTERS_V2 to true and then we have a backfill step that will update your data while rebooting GMS that is behind the flag BACKFILL_BROWSE_PATHS_V2 - if you have a lot of data (100,000+ entities) then I would be careful about running this. the newest CLI for ingestion is also going to produce the same aspects as the backfill step if you want to just run ingestion with the most recent CLI

That’s great, thanks Chris. We’ll have a look into it and see if it makes sense for our catalog