Do I have to change something for local deployments to get new UI features like Snowflake view lineage in Acryl DataHub 0.10.5?

Original Slack Thread

Is docker quickstart updated for 0.10.5? I updated acryl-datahub via pip, nuked old datahub, redeployed, but the UI still looks the same, only difference is that the UI version in top right corner is gone, says just null now, but the UI itself looks the same as 0.10.4 and I dont have new features like Snowflake view lineage

Hi - could you confirm that the local images & volumes are deleted when nuking the instance? and in terms of new features, could share the full logs of the errors you’re encountering?

I manually deleted all related images after nuking the quickstart deployment. Regarding Snowflake view lineage, I found in code that its an optional flag still, and with it enabled in config, and me manually setting ingestion to use verson, it worked.

However the UI still looks the same, I don’t see the new design. I found in the most recent Helm chart some options that I think control this behavior, aka you can choose weather to use old or new UI. Do I have to change something for local deployments as well to get the same effect?