field required (type=value_error.missing)
field required (type=value_error.missing)
extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra)
extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra)```
Can anyone help me fix this issue.
Hey, I think there are some issues in the formatting! It says the required field owners and version does not exist and payload and title does exist even if it’s not allowed. Could you double-check on your yaml file ?
name: FullAddress # name of the term
description: A collection of information to give the location of a building or plot of land. # description of the term
owners: # (optional) owners contains 2 nested fields
users: # (optional) a list of user IDs
- njones
groups: # (optional) a list of group IDs
- logistics
term_source: “EXTERNAL” # one of EXTERNAL or INTERNAL. Whether the term is coming from an external glossary or one defined in your organization.
source_ref: FIBO # (optional) if external, what is the name of the source the glossary term is coming from?
source_url: “https://www.google.com” # (optional) if external, what is the url of the source definition?
inherits: # (optional) list of GlossaryTerm that this term inherits from
contains: # (optional) a list of GlossaryTerm that this term contains
custom_properties: # (optional) a map of key/value pairs of arbitrary custom properties
is_used_for_compliance_tracking: true
knowledge_links: # (optional) a list of KnowledgeCard related to this term. These appear as links on the glossary node’s page