Finding a DataHub Contact for InfoSec Clearance

Original Slack Thread

Hello! Newbie here, working with my internal Eng to spin up some POCs to wow the company. But first…we need to get past InfoSec and they are asking for a DataHub contact. Who would that contact be? Anyone have an email addy for me to pop into my internal form? TIA!

<@U066NATHPNG> <@U01JUBAPZPS> can you help?

Hey <@U06H9NPHC1Z> could you clarify what you mean for a security contact? Generally we fill out infosec forms as a vendor when we’re providing a solution

If you’re self hosting, then someone internal should probably be the security contact for the tool.

What I mean is that our InfoSec team would like a contact at DataHub/Acryl in case they need to request information. Otherwise, we may not be able to use the tool.

Got it- sent a dm!