Finding Graphql Schema Definitions for Go Graphql Client

Original Slack Thread

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but we are looking to implementing a Graphql Client with Go. Essentially, we would like to have a cli which allows us to make a few common operations using Graphql. Where can I get the full Graphql schema definitions?

Hi <@U044DJFSEJD>,

maybe this is what you are looking for:

Hello! Yeah I am aware of this page, but I would like to have something I could access programatically (I probably should have been more clear)

More precisely, I would like to have the files on github from where this page is being generated

Ah okay, got it
I don’t know how these doc pages are generated.
The only idea I have is the model definition:
But that might be the wrong direction.

Hmm this is maybe it… I will take a look. Thanks a lot!

Hi David. You can have a look in <|the schemas> and <|the frontend queries>.

The Pegasus schemas Tim mentioned is more about the underlying REST API model schemas. The GraphQL schemas are in a separate place (see the link to the schemas above) and are maintained manually to be in consistency with the REST API schemas.

Thanks! This seems to be what I was looking for.