Implementing Metadata Writeback in DataHub for Data Stewards' Description Updates

Original Slack Thread

Hi Community, we have implemented DataHub as our Data Catalogue and users are adopting it and we are in the journey of scaling it up. One feature request that has come up is if we can implement metadata writeback. i.e. Data Stewards who has no access to the source tables (or non-technical) will add descriptions via DataHub UI for the table/columns and this descriptions should be synced back to the source and if anything exists in source it should be overwritten. Has anyone successfully implemented similar approach or has any thoughts/suggestions? :slightly_smiling_face:

<@U03BEML16LB> might be able to speak to this!

hey yeah we’ve definitely heard this before! I can’t think of anyone explicitly doing this in our community but i certainly could be wrong. As far as this feature request goes I would suggest checking out our feature requests page here:

Thank you both :slightly_smiling_face: - I couldn’t find a feature request in the page, I’ve raise a new one