I’m having an issue where visualizing lineage for a dataset with ~200 upstreams & ~200 downstreams is throwing a java.lang.StackOverflow exception. I’m running Datahub 0.13.1.
I see the following behavior:
• The frontend makes a request on $<http://datahub.com/api/v2/graphql|datahub.com/api/v2/graphql>
• If I tail the GMS logs, I see an error like: 2024-04-24 18:30:51,970 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-396] ERROR c.l.d.g.e.DataHubDataFetcherExceptionHandler:45 - Failed to execute, java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.StackOverflowError, and then a ~400k line traceback
• The frontend eventually gets a 503 Service Unavailable
• This leads to a “Something went wrong” page on datahub.
The weird part is that when I make the same graphql request on $<http://datahub-gms.com/api/graphql|datahub-gms.com/api/graphql> and pull the request from the source, it returns in about ~5 seconds successfully.