I have an array of MdChannels within MdTest . MdChannels has an object called mdChannelMetadata. I am unable to make mdChannelMetadata searchable. Can someone have a look at the PDLs and please advise?
Note : - mdTestMetadata as well as mdChannelName are searchable. Basically how to make an array of Objects searchable is the question.
<@UV5UEC3LN> Firstly, thanks for sending the docs!
Below is sample data for our pdls. Basically with the above PDL structure, we can query mdTestName, mdTestMetadata and mdChannelName but not properties like “weather” or “foobar” within mdChannelMetadata . We are unable to understand few things from above documentation.
Could you kindly help with below qns:
Is @Searchable required in front of mdChannels array in MdTest.pdl?
Is “fieldName” required within @Searchable annotation?
What is the “/*” path that we give in the annotation? In our case, what should be the path in the @Searchable?
Should we define @Relationship also for mdChannels array?