Querying Hive Datasets by Location Property via API

Original Slack Thread

Hi! would like to know if it is possible to query all datasets on hive platform with the location property via API

I don’t know if there is a way to filter by properties, but the query below should return all hive datasets and their properties

> query{
> searchAcrossEntities(
> input: {
> types: [DATASET],
> query: “*”,
> orFilters:[
> {and:{field: “urn”, values:[“urn:li:dataPlatform:hive”], condition: CONTAIN}}
> ]
> }
> ){
> total
> searchResults{
> entity{
> …hiveDataset
> }
> }
> }
> }
> fragment hiveDataset on Dataset{
> urn
> properties{
> customProperties{
> key
> }
> }
> }