Querying Schema Entries in GraphQL for DATASET and SCHEMA_FIELDS in DataHub v0.12.0

Original Slack Thread

Hello all,
I have a searchAcrossEntities query in GraphQL that returns DATASET entries, and I’m trying to search for Schema entries as well. It seems listed as a valid “types” value, but the search always fails when I include SCHEMA_FIELDS in a call. I see from an issue on the DataHub GitHub from about a year ago that this type of search was not supported as SCHEMA are not treated as their own separate entity. Is there any way to query them in GraphQL at all? We are using v0.12.0.

  searchAcrossEntities(input: { types: [SCHEMA_FIELDS], query: "name", count: 20}) {
    searchResults {
      entity {
        ... on Dataset {
          platform {

Hey there! :wave: Make sure your message includes the following information if relevant, so we can help more effectively!

  1. Which DataHub version are you using? (e.g. 0.12.0)
  2. Please post any relevant error logs on the thread!

I don’t believe this is possible still. <@U03BEML16LB> can you confirm?

correct this isn’t supported as of right now - but we have some ongoing work where we turn schema fields into a more supported “true” entity but as far as the tags. description, terms, etc. go those still exist on the dataset that they live on. as we add more support to schema fields they will go on the entity and it will make more sense to surface them as searchable entities

Understood. Thank you for clarifying.