Curl —cacert etc/ssl/certs/ca.cry (url)
I am using this command and getting response
Yeah same one
How can we disable verification in Kafka emitter then in order to resolve this issue ?
I can see no option in Kafka emitter code
For schema_registry if we want to disable verification
I checked the code, and I’m confident the set properties are passed to the Schema Registry client.
Here is my test recipe:
type: "kafka"
bootstrap: "localhost:9092"
# security.protocol: "SASL_SSL"
# sasl.mechanism: "PLAIN"
# sasl.username: "kafka_key"
# sasl.password: "kafka_secret"
schema_registry_url: "<http://localhost:8081>"
# See <>
# Most of these config keys are optional. "certificate_ca.pem"
ssl.certificate.location: "certificate.pem"
ssl.key.location: "private_key.pem"
ssl.key.password: "XXXXXXX"```
based on the Confluent Schema Registry Python code there is a way to disable SSL cert verification, even though it is a bit hacky, if you set the
to false
I am using Kafka emitter only and I am setting all these configuration like this
Does we need to pass these to schema registry client as it’s already a Kafka emitter
For the emitter the config looks like this:
type: "datahub-kafka"
bootstrap: localhost:9092
schema_registry_url: <http://localhost:8081>
# See <>
# Most of these config keys are optional. "certificate_ca.pem"
ssl.certificate.location: "certificate.pem"
ssl.key.location: "private_key.pem"```
and here I verified as well the config properties are passed to the Conflunet Schema Registry client
I have this python code for Kafka emitter and all the configuration are passed from action pipeline
Like this
Is it correct ?
As this is a custom code, I would debug your code if it passes properly the parameters you set.
Unfortunately, I can only test/check what is in our codebase and there the Kafka Emitter should pass the property if it is passed properly
As I said another thing your can try to set the
to False
if you are sure you set that property and you want to disable verifying the server’s certificate
Let me share you
Can’t you debug your code in standalone mode without the action framework?
just to see if the Kafka Emitter gets the proper parameters
Yeah debug that it’s working fine