Hello everyone! I was trying to read the column-level-lineage from DataHub (which I can check the column lineages at console) via python but the doc below does not provide column level lineage info but just table lineage. Is there any reference that I can get column lineage info via python not the console?
• You can fetch theupstreamLineageaspect usingDataHubGraph.get_aspect(urn, UpstreamLineageClass), then look at thefineGrainedLineagesproperty, to get all column-level upstreams of that entity. If you need downstreams, you’d have to query for all downstream tables, then fetch each downstream table’supstreamLineageaspect.
• You can use the graphql querysearchAcrossLineageas described in your linked article, except provide aschemaFieldurn to reference a column, to get that column’s upstreams / downstreams
Will either of these options work for your use case?