I have been tasked to debug errors messages appearing on our datahub deployment on kubernetes using the helm chart provided by acryldata bumped chart version from 0.2.181 to 0.2.182
We are ingesting metadata from Databricks, Sagemaker, dbt. When displaying the logs of these 3 jobs, I get recurring similar errors being :
• datahub-gms return status 500 (see picture)
• Error registering Avro Schema
Even after trying the solution propsed in <Issues · acryldata/datahub-helm · GitHub issue> the problem keeps recurring.
There is a known issue with internal and glue schema registries in the last two versions of datahub, which could cause this issue, can you make sure you are using the confluent schema registry?
I see I see. Actually, if GMS is coming up, then I think you have that part configured correctly. <@U04N9PYJBEW> can you weigh in on the ingestion failures?
Are you running ingestion from the UI? And are you sure datahub-datahub-gms:8080 is the correct url from inside your cluster? You can try curl datahub-datahub-gms:8080/health to check