I am trying to use http://localhost:8080/openapi/v3/entity/dataset POST for creating new dataset. I get response 200 if async and 202 if not async but I don’t see dataset getting created. I want to use Open API approach to fit into existing nodejs based soln even though not recommended to use. If I use python SDK and Event emitter then it works. This is the sample json I am using for testing. I tried different combination but none of them are working.
"urn": "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:BigQuery,xxx.yyy.poc_test,DEV)",
"schemaMetadata": {
"value": {
"schemaName": "poc_test",
"platformSchema": {
"com.linkedin.schema.OtherSchema": {
"rawSchema": "__insert raw schema here__"
"fields": [
"nullable": "false",
"fieldPath": "application_id",
"description": "",
"isPartOfKey": "false",
"lastModified": {
"actor": "urn:li:corpuser:ingestion",
"time": updatedtime
"type": {
"type": {
"com.linkedin.schema.StringType": {}
"recursive": "false",
"nativeDataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"nullable": "false",
"fieldPath": "application_name",
"description": "",
"isPartOfKey": "false",
"lastModified": {
"actor": "urn:li:corpuser:ingestion",
"time": updatedtime
"type": {
"type": {
"com.linkedin.schema.StringType": {}
"recursive": "false",
"nativeDataType": "VARCHAR(100)"
"nullable": "false",
"created": {
"actor": "urn:li:corpuser:ingestion",
"time": updatedtime
"fieldPath": "application_acronym",
"description": "",
"isPartOfKey": "false",
"lastModified": {
"actor": "urn:li:corpuser:ingestion",
"time": updatedtime
"type": {
"type": {
"com.linkedin.schema.DateType": {}
"nativeDataType": "Date",
"recursive": "false"
"platform": "urn:li:dataPlatform:BigQuery"
1. Are you using UI or CLI for ingestion? : API
2. Which DataHub version are you using? (e.g. 0.13.2)
3. What data source(s) are you integrating with : Test Sample