I am trying to setup kafka ingestion through datahub UI (0.12.4 - create new datasource service)
however, while running this configuration is failing with the following error.
topics = self.consumer.list_topics(
cimpl.KafkaException: KafkaError{code=_TRANSPORT,val=-195,str="Failed to get metadata: Local: Broker transport failure"}```
I am able to connect to the kafka broker host and port using other tools and it is working. I am able to see the topics.
can someone tell me what could be the issue here. I am new to datahub
it looks like kafka/network issue to me. Try to connect from the ingestion container to the kafka port with e.g. telnet/nc and confirm that kafka is indeed reachable from there. For example, it may be reachable from the host, but not from the container.
Thanks <@U063WTWMH2L> for the reply. it worked. it was the problem with the network mapping.
i have one more query.
I am able to bind the kafka topic in datahub ui (ingestion), but i am seeing below error.
'The schema registry subject for the value schema is not found. The topic is either schema-less, or no messages have been written to the topic yet.
is it required to configure schema registry ? cant i send schema less data to the topic? if that is the case, how can i see data in the datahub to tag or to map under domain?