We are unable to extract logs from our GMS pod. But an example of the situation is this - I tried to change the entities displayed per page from 10 to 100 in the Domain page. The UI kept loading and in the end it threw the 500 Error message as below -
I could not find this in the GMS log but I can give you the network call details with graph query and inputs.
"input": {
"types": [],
"query": "*",
"start": 0,
"count": 100,
"orFilters": [
"and": [
"field": "domains",
"values": [
"searchFlags": {
"skipCache": true
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 503 Service Unavailable</title>
<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 503 Service Unavailable</h2>
<tr><th>MESSAGE:</th><td>Service Unavailable</td></tr>
<hr/><a href="<https://eclipse.org/jetty>">Powered by Jetty:// 11.0.19</a><hr/>
Note: there have been few times we’ve seen failure of the getSearchResultsForMultiple query failing w/o any explanation and throwing the 500 SERVER ERROR. At the same time, other actions like navigating through Airflow or Spark pipelines works fine.
Ques from my side - do the graphql queries call ES service or the backend metadata DB storage ? <@U05SKM6KGGK> {
searchAcrossEntities(input: $input) {
\n’, ‘MIMETYPE’: ‘text/plain’, ‘PERMALINK_PUBLIC’: ‘
https://slack-files.com/TUMKD5EGJ-F07187VLTHR-125aafc38f’, ‘FILETYPE’: ‘text’, ‘EDIT_LINK’: ‘
Slack’, ‘URL_PRIVATE’: ‘
Slack’, ‘HAS_RICH_PREVIEW’: False, ‘TITLE’: ‘bad_graphql_query’, ‘IS_STARRED’: False, ‘PREVIEW_IS_TRUNCATED’: True, ‘URL_PRIVATE_DOWNLOAD’: ‘
Slack’, ‘PREVIEW’: ‘query getSearchResultsForMultiple($input: SearchAcrossEntitiesInput!) {\r\n searchAcrossEntities(input: $input) {\r\n …searchResults\r\n __typename\r\n }\r’, ‘PUBLIC_URL_SHARED’: False, ‘MESSAGE_TS’: ‘1714444011.892429’, ‘PARENT_MESSAGE_TS’: ‘1714403648.203999’, ‘MESSAGE_CHANNEL_ID’: ‘C029A3M079U’, ‘_FIVETRAN_DELETED’: False, ‘LINES_MORE’: 1717, ‘LINES’: 1722, ‘SIZE’: 28352, ‘_FIVETRAN_SYNCED’: ‘2024-05-05 12:59:47.239000+00:00’})