<@U06TM7M40RK> how to enable ingress in datahub
To enable ingress in DataHub, you need to configure your deployment to expose the DataHub frontend using an ingress controller. The process can vary depending on the cloud provider you are using. Here are the general steps for AWS, Azure, and GCP:
Set Up Ingress Controller: Use the AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) Controller. You need to create an IAM policy and a service account for the controller.
: Modify thevalues.yaml
file to enable ingress for the DataHub frontend. Here is an example configuration:datahub-frontend: enabled: true image: repository: acryldata/datahub-frontend-react tag: "latest" ingress: enabled: true annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: instance alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: <<certificate-arn>> alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/inbound-cidrs: alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]' hosts: - host: <<host-name>> paths: - /*
Apply Configuration: Use Helm to apply the configuration:
helm upgrade --install datahub datahub/datahub --values values.yaml
Verify Setup: Check the ingress setup using:
kubectl get ingress
For more details, refer to the <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/aws.md|AWS Deployment Guide>.
Set Up Application Gateway: Deploy an Azure Application Gateway and configure it with a WAF policy.
: Modify thevalues.yaml
file to enable ingress for the DataHub frontend using Azure Application Gateway.datahub-frontend: enabled: true image: repository: acryldata/datahub-frontend-react ingress: enabled: true annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: azure/application-gateway appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "http" hosts: - paths: - /*
Apply Configuration: Use Helm to apply the configuration:
helm upgrade --install datahub datahub/datahub --values values.yaml
Verify Setup: Check the ingress setup using:
kubectl get ingress
For more details, refer to the <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/azure.md|Azure Deployment Guide>.
Use GKE Ingress Controller: Set up ingress using the GKE ingress controller.
Configure Ingress: Use the GCP console to create an ingress resource for the DataHub frontend.
For more details, refer to the <Deploying to GCP | DataHub Deployment Guide>.
Would you like more detailed steps for a specific cloud provider or have any specific questions about the setup?
- <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/aws.md|AWS Deployment Guide>
- <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/azure.md|Azure Deployment Guide>
- <Deploying to GCP | DataHub Deployment Guide>
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<@U06TM7M40RK> how to configure ingress controller ?
To configure an ingress controller for DataHub, you need to follow specific steps depending on the cloud provider or Kubernetes environment you are using. Below are general steps for configuring an ingress controller on AWS, Azure, and GCP:
Set Up AWS ALB Ingress Controller:
- IAM Policy: Download and create an IAM policy for the ALB controller.
curl -o iam_policy.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-load-balancer-controller/main/docs/install/iam_policy.json aws iam create-policy --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --policy-document file://iam_policy.json
- Service Account: Create a service account and attach the IAM policy.
eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster=<<cluster-name>> --namespace=kube-system --name=aws-load-balancer-controller --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::<<account-id>>:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --override-existing-serviceaccounts --approve
- Install ALB Controller: Use Helm to install the ALB controller.
helm repo add eks https://aws.github.io/eks-charts helm repo update helm upgrade -i aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --set clusterName=<<cluster-name>> --set serviceAccount.create=false --set serviceAccount.name=aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system
- IAM Policy: Download and create an IAM policy for the ALB controller.
Configure Ingress Resource:
- Update your
to enable ingress for DataHub services. - Apply the configuration using Helm.
- Update your
For more details, refer to the <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/aws.md|AWS Deployment Guide>.
Set Up Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller:
- Deploy an Azure Application Gateway and configure it with a WAF policy.
- Use Helm to install the Application Gateway Ingress Controller.
Configure Ingress Resource:
- Update your
to enable ingress for DataHub services. - Apply the configuration using Helm.
- Update your
For more details, refer to the <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/azure.md|Azure Deployment Guide>.
- Use GKE Ingress Controller:
- Set up ingress using the GKE ingress controller via the GCP console.
- Create an ingress resource for the DataHub frontend.
For more details, refer to the <Deploying to GCP | DataHub Deployment Guide>.
Would you like more detailed steps for a specific cloud provider or have any specific questions about the setup?
- <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/aws.md|AWS Deployment Guide>
- <Deploying to GCP | DataHub Deployment Guide>
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Hint: Mention @runllm in the thread for followups.
<@U06TM7M40RK> how to define ingress-class name after implementing ingress object
To define an ingress-class name after implementing an ingress object, you need to specify the ingressClassName
in your ingress resource configuration. This is important for directing traffic to the correct ingress controller, especially if you have multiple ingress controllers in your Kubernetes cluster.
Here’s how you can define the ingressClassName
in your ingress resource:
Example Ingress Configuration
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: datahub-frontend-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx" # This is an example; replace with your ingress class name
ingressClassName: "nginx" # Specify your ingress class name here
- host: "your-domain.com"
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: datahub-frontend
number: 9002
Steps to Implement
Identify the Ingress Class: Determine the ingress class name that corresponds to your ingress controller. Common ingress class names include
, etc., depending on the ingress controller you are using. -
Update Ingress Resource: Add or update the
field in your ingress resource YAML file to specify the desired ingress class. -
Apply the Configuration: Use
to apply the updated ingress configuration:kubectl apply -f your-ingress-file.yaml
Verify the Ingress Setup: Check the ingress resource to ensure it is configured correctly:
kubectl get ingress datahub-frontend-ingress -o yaml
This configuration ensures that the ingress resource uses the specified ingress class, directing traffic to the appropriate ingress controller.
Would you like more detailed steps or have any specific questions about the setup?
- <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/aws.md|AWS Deployment Guide>
- <https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/deploy/azure.md|Azure Deployment Guide>
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How to enable Enable OIDC in datahub web app
<@U06TM7M40RK> How to Enable OIDC in datahub web app
To enable OpenID Connect (OIDC) in the DataHub web application, you need to configure the DataHub frontend to use OIDC for authentication. Here are the steps to set up OIDC integration:
Steps to Enable OIDC in DataHub
Register an Application with Your Identity Provider:
- You need to register an application with your identity provider (e.g., Google, Okta, Azure AD) to obtain the Client ID, Client Secret, and Discovery URI.
- For Google, navigate to the Google API Console, create a new project, and configure the OAuth2.0 consent screen and credentials.
- For Okta, log in to your Okta admin account, navigate to the developer console, and create a new application with OpenID Connect as the sign-on method.
- For Azure, use the Azure portal to register a new application and configure the redirect URI.
Configure DataHub Frontend:
- Update the
configuration with the necessary environment variables to enable OIDC authentication.
Example configuration in
:extraEnvs: - name: AUTH_OIDC_ENABLED value: "true" - name: AUTH_OIDC_CLIENT_ID value: "<client-id>" - name: AUTH_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: datahub-oidc-secrets key: client_secret - name: AUTH_OIDC_DISCOVERY_URI value: "https://<your-identity-provider>/.well-known/openid-configuration" - name: AUTH_OIDC_BASE_URL value: "http://<datahub-frontend-url>" - name: AUTH_OIDC_JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED value: "true" - name: AUTH_OIDC_PRE_PROVISIONING_REQUIRED value: "false" - name: AUTH_OIDC_EXTRACT_GROUPS_ENABLED value: "true" - name: AUTH_OIDC_USER_NAME_CLAIM value: "preferred_username" - name: AUTH_OIDC_GROUPS_CLAIM value: "datahub-groups" - name: AUTH_JAAS_ENABLED value: "false" - name: AUTH_VERBOSE_LOGGING value: "true"
- Update the
Restart DataHub Frontend:
- After configuring the environment variables, restart the
container to apply the changes.
docker-compose -p datahub -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up datahub-frontend-react
- After configuring the environment variables, restart the
Verify the Setup:
- Log out and log back in through SSO to confirm the connection succeeded.
For more detailed guidance, you can refer to the <https://datahubproject.io/docs/0.13.1/authentication/guides/sso/configure-oidc-react|OIDC Authentication Guide>.
Would you like more detailed guidance on any specific step?
- <https://datahubproject.io/docs/0.13.1/authentication/guides/sso/configure-oidc-react|OIDC Authentication Guide>
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Hint: Mention @runllm in the thread for followups.