Troubleshooting ALB Configuration and Graphql Network Requests Errors

Original Slack Thread

Hello Folks,
Made a bit of progress on my GovCloud deployment, but running into some issues. Was wondering where I could find documentation on how the ALB is configured.

When I update my values.yaml file to include ingress, my frontend pod is recreated, but it errors on the graphql network requests (does not get data back). When I get logs from the pod, it says there 401 errors for the http://datahub-datahub-gms:8080/corpUsers endpoint.

I also see an effective null route ALB listener rules that route all requests to the domain I utilize in the values.yaml file. In the screenshot, it would be <|>attachment

Hey there! :wave: Make sure your message includes the following information if relevant, so we can help more effectively!

  1. Which DataHub version are you using? (e.g. 0.12.0)
  2. Please post any relevant error logs on the thread!

For reference, this is using datahub v0.13.2