Hi, Yesterday we upgraded our Datahub to 10.5 and Presto ingest failed with this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datahub/entrypoints.py", line 175, in main
sys.exit(datahub(standalone_mode=False, **kwargs))```
Please help. Full log in a file attached
Update: I've tried running ingest with previos CLI version (0.10.4) and it worked.
So looks like the problem is with CLI 10.5?
<@UV14447EU> I run ingestions from UI, yes. The CLI versions weren’t pinned when errors occured. So our Datahub was just upgraded to 10.5, but it had CLI for ingests for some reason.
Is it a bug on Datahubs side, or shoud we have set it somewhere while upgrading?
We are deployed via Kubernetes and helm charts
Well it didn’t happen like that:woman-shrugging:
Something in my head rings a bell that it’s not the first time such thing happened among Datahub users. Maybe it’s worth checking on your side, as smth that looks like a bug?
A few things to check:
• In GMS (or MAE Consumer in standalone mode) the environment variable UI_INGESTION_DEFAULT_CLI_VERSION should show the correct version in the deployment, can you double check this?
• When does your actions pod show it was last restarted? Did it restart with the rest of your deployments with the update?
• Query your ingestion sources and see what the input argument for the CLI Version was using this query:
listIngestionSources(input: $input) {
ingestionSources {
executions(start: 0, count: 1) {
executionRequests {
input {
arguments {
result {
"input": {}
This should give the CLI version in the `value` field of arguments, the other fields are just included for identification purposes