Hey guys
question - we use datahub 0.11.0, tried to upgrade to 0.13.0 but something went wrong and we rolled it back to 11 version
now I see log of errors in datahub-gms pod like
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id 6
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: null```
looks like some mesh with schemas, tried to find avro schema from current v0.11 tag and publish it, but didn't help, processed some messages and failed again
Is it possible to remove all schemas for this topic and re-create somehow? or I noticed that we can disable schema-registry somehow, maybe by env var
or at least ignore broken messages
The cause may be a misconfigured schema registry, however when switching schema registries you would also have to clear the topics. The easiest way to reset the topics is to delete the datahub topics and then perform a helm install/upgrade which will re-run the kafka-setup job to create them again.