Why were all affected tables updated successfully in Datahub despite errors with schema-registry pod?

Original Slack Thread

Hi all, I got these errors and I found in other thread that the error is due to schema-registry pod.
In this message, my question is that why all the tables affected were updated successfully in Datahub even if I got the errors. Can anyone help?
The version is

{'total_records_written': 14084,
 'records_written_per_second': 3,
 'warnings': [],
 'failures': [{'error': 'Unable to emit metadata to DataHub GMS',
               'info': {'exceptionClass': 'com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException',
                        'stackTrace': 'com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException [HTTP Status:500]: '
                                      'org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error serializing Avro message\n'
                                      '\tat com.linkedin.metadata.restli.RestliUtil.toTask(RestliUtil.java:42)\n'
                                      '\tat com.linkedin.metadata.restli.RestliUtil.toTask(RestliUtil.java:50)',
                        'message': 'org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error serializing Avro message',
                        'status': 500,
                        'id': 'urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,table1,PROD)'}},
              {'error': 'Unable to emit metadata to DataHub GMS',
               'info': {'exceptionClass': 'com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException',
                        'stackTrace': 'com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException [HTTP Status:500]: '
                                      'org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error serializing Avro message\n'
                                      '\tat com.linkedin.metadata.restli.RestliUtil.toTask(RestliUtil.java:42)\n'
                                      '\tat com.linkedin.metadata.restli.RestliUtil.toTask(RestliUtil.java:50)',
                        'message': 'org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error serializing Avro message',
                        'status': 500,
                        'id': 'urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,table2,PROD)'}},
              '... sampled of 20 total elements'],
 'start_time': '2023-11-17 11:37:44.939247 (1 hour, 16 minutes and 44.12 seconds ago)',
 'current_time': '2023-11-17 12:54:29.060362 (now)',
 'total_duration_in_seconds': 4604.12,
 'gms_version': 'null',
 'pending_requests': 0}

 Pipeline finished with at least 20 failures; produced 14104 events in 1 hour, 16 minutes and 43.84 seconds.```

Hey there! :wave: Make sure your message includes the following information if relevant, so we can help more effectively!

  1. Which DataHub version are you using? (e.g. 0.12.0)
  2. Please post any relevant error logs on the thread!

<@U01JUBAPZPS> might be able to speak to this!

Hey Patrick- this seems like you may have an issue with your schema registry