hello, i am trying datahub out and receiving a few errors.
I have set datahub up on my M1 device as well as a windows laptop. for both devices, I have used either the docker-compose file that comes with running the quickstart command or the quickstart command itself. the former is because i would like to connect to dagster as well.
i am receiving the following errors on both devices for both methods of running datahub
- broker is connecting to the wrong cluster ID. this happens when i stop my containers and attempt to start them up again. to solve it, i usually run
docker volume prune
and it solves the problem, but usually leaves me with no record of my data on datahub/data i’ve ingested, users i’ve created. it’s also a huge hassle
broker | at kafka.server.KafkaServer.startup(KafkaServer.scala:234)
broker | at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:115)
broker | at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
broker | [2023-08-22 15:51:59,464] INFO shutting down (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
broker exited with code 1
dependency failed to start: container for service "broker" exited (1)```
2. container mysql is unhealthy. on docker, the container is actually green and it says that it is running. i can also see tables being created. but my docker-compose command still exits out of the terminal. this kind of happens sporadically and i usually just shut down my containers and start them up again and hope for the best. but because of this, i have not been able to meaningfully explore datahub’s features
```kafka-setup | DATAHUB_PRECREATE_TOPICS=false
kafka-setup | Pre-creation of topics has been turned off, exiting
dependency failed to start: container for service "mysql" is unhealthy```
hoping for some help, this has been more time consuming than i expected :sweat: