Hi Team, I am working on removing an ingested S3 Bucket, but I am having some trouble with deleting all of the folders and datasets. I am able to delete it with the DataHubGraphClient class and hard_delete method, for which I use the URN of the Bucket. However all of the other data persists, so the folders and datasets are not deleted. To overcome this I have tried to find a way to retrieve all of the child containers and files, but for some reason I can’t seem to find a good way to retrieve them. I have tried to use the get_related_entities method, but I can’t find the relationship to use to go from s3 to a folder. From a folder (container) to a dataset that works fine, because there the PartOf relationship which seems to work.
If there is not a good way to do this from the python client, I have found a way to use the graphql so I could go into that direction. But I have the feeling there should be a better way to do this. Can someone help me or point me in the right direction? Thanks