Troubleshooting error with metadata-service:generateDataTemplate task in the DataHub project

Original Slack Thread

Hi, I have a problem: I am trying to read the datahub-project/datahub code, but it fails when running./gradlew :metadata-service:war:build:
The error message is as follows:

"> Task :metadata-service:restli-client:mainCopyPdscSchemas SKIPPED
:metadata-service:restli-client:mainCopyPdscSchemas task is a NO-OP task.
<=------------> 9% EXECUTING [25s]
> Task :li-utils:generateDataTemplate FAILEDerties
There are 34 data schema input files. Using input root folder: D:\Source Code\datahub-0.10.5\li-utils\src\main\pegasus
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:li-utils:generateDataTemplate’.
    > ‘other’ has different root"

I would like to ask everyone, what should I do?

I saw this online: It looks like if you are building on windows using gradle, the input and output locations need to be on the same letter drive. Can you make sure that is the case for you?

I had this issue when I tried in windows. It seems a known issue.|[…]gumentexception-other-has-different-root-error