Hey guys, when I run ‘gradlew build’ to build datahub, I get an error:
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
> Task :buildSrc:compileJava FAILED
\datahub\buildSrc\src\main\java\io\datahubproject\OpenApiEntities.java:10: error: Program packagecom.linkedin.metadata.models.registry.config inexistence
import com.linkedin.metadata.models.registry.config.Entities;
D:\_AAAAwork\projects\2\datahub\buildSrc\src\main\java\io\datahubproject\OpenApiEntities.java:42: error: symbol not found
private Map<String, Entity> entityMap;
symbol: class Entity
position: class OpenApiEntities```
We don’t actively support Windows as a development environment, but also this seems like perhaps you have not built your models yet. Please see the recommended commands for building: https://datahubproject.io/docs/developers/#building-the-project , building the entire project is not recommended instead build modules you need specifically.