When I run datahub actions -c hello_world.yaml, I get the following error:
Kafka consume error: KafkaError{code=UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART,val=3,str=“Subscribed topic not available: MetadataChangeLog_Versioned_v1: Broker: Unknown topic or partition”}
Kafka consume error: KafkaError{code=UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART,val=3,str=“Subscribed topic not available: PlatformEvent_v1: Broker: Unknown topic or partition”}
I am not sure why these two topics are unavailable. Does anyone know what’s happening or what’s causing it? Thanks
Can you check that your DataHub configuration (hello_world.yaml) is correctly pointing to the Kafka instance where these topics exist.
Ensure that the Kafka instance you’re querying with kafka-topics.sh is the same one your DataHub instance is configured to use.
If offsets have been reset or if you want to start consuming from the beginning, you can reset the consumer group’s offsets using the kafka-consumer-groups.sh tool.
For example, to reset the offsets of the consumer group hello_world to the earliest offset for both topics:
Thanks for getting back. I am not sure if my hello_world.yaml is pointing to the right kafka instance. I am using the same boot-strap server in the recipe file and the pod shell.
When I specify the group to be hello_world, it says that the server does not host this topic-partition. Also, when I list the consumer groups, hello_world doesn’t come up. Is it supposed to?