Hello, wondering if I can get some help in UI issue.
I am running Datahub on EKS, and have the necessary services up and running - no issues in deploying nor any errors captured in the pods.
I am able to bring up the Datahub UI; however, I am getting the below error message when trying to login. I am using the OIDC Authentication specified in the docs, however, I am integration with an internal-to-my-company ADFS solution.
“Failed to redirect to Single Sign-On provider. Please contact your Datahub Administrator, or refer to server logs for more information”
The only error message I see is captured below - this error message is on the pod that runs the datahub-frontend service
ERROR controllers.AuthenticationController - Caught exception while attempting to redirect to SSO identity provider! It’s likely that SSO integration is mis-configured
When I look at the UI, I see the below error:
POST https:[datahub-endpoint]/track net:: ERR_ABORTED 401 (unauthorized)
Attached are some screenshots that can give further context. Any help/guidance is much appreciated, thank you!