Troubleshooting OIDC Integration and Logout Loop Issues

Original Slack Thread

Hi all. For OIDC integration, is there a logout url we can use at all? We have set up SSO which logs in fine but if we logout it just loops us straight back to login again. Also, if we enable OIDC, is that the only login option we have? eg we no longer have the option of using email / pw or clicking SSO login? Thanks

Hi Ashley! Let’s see if we can help you out here…

> We have set up SSO which logs in fine but if we logout it just loops us straight back to login again.
Since you’ve logged out, what experience are you expecting? It’s intuitive to me that you would be routed to the login page, but just want to make sure I’m not missing something!

> if we enable OIDC, is that the only login option we have? eg we no longer have the option of using email / pw or clicking SSO login? Thanks
You can still use email/PW or choose logging in with SSO! If you’re logged out, you can visit <> any you’ll see the option to login with username/password or to choose SSO

Maggie Hays sent an attachment: “CleanShot 2023-10-18 at 17.06.48@2x.png”

Hi, thanks for the reply. In terms of experience after logging out, I would expect to be taken back to the initial login screen where we have a choice to use either SSO or username/password but we don’t have that. As soon as we logout it automatically logs us back in again. It may be that we’ve configured the sso app in Azure incorrectly but basically now we have enabled SSO within the app, all we have is a url that automatically signs us in. We never see the login page to select SSO. We followed the instructions|here for configuring OIDC.

If i goto| in incognito I get the login screen as above which is what we’d like to see when we logout. Is there is logout url we need to configure as part of the app setup within Azure?

Ahhh, I see! Thanks so much for the clarification. I don’t recall hearing about this from other folks in the community… <@U01GCJKA8P9> is this something you’ve come across in the past?

Hi <@U0121TRV0FL> <@U01GCJKA8P9> any advice on this? Thanks