Troubleshooting Unhealthy Containers Error When Running DataHub Project Locally

Original Slack Thread

hi team!!! im trying to run the procjet locally i clone the repo and goes to docker folder and execute docker-compose up but i receive this error:
ERROR: for schema-registry Container “576254f1140d” is unhealthy.
ERROR: for datahub-actions Container “994e85c75df1” is unhealthy.
ERROR: for datahub-frontend-react Container “994e85c75df1” is unhealthy.
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Any idea???

Make sure your docker is up and running and execute
datahub docker quickstart

yes but i want to run all the projectoin my local because i need to create a custom ingestion, so i thought i clone the repo to run the project in my local.