Hi everyone! I’m trying to use datahub-actions along with other python packages that require pydantic>2
. As far a understand, DataHub plugins are pinned to pydantic<2
, which generates an incompatibility error with the other packages I need. Any suggestion on how to deal with this? I’m using DataHub v0.12.1
Currently the base acryl-datahub supports both pydantic 1 and 2, but not all plugins support pydantic 2 yet
Which specific plugins are you using?
Thank you for your reply, <@U01GZEETMEZ>! I’m evaluating DataHub with quickstart. How can I make it work with pydantic 2? Looks like the default is 1
I’m testing datahub-actions, for now
I could make base acryl-datahub work with pydantic 2, but not datahub-actions. The latter still requires pydantic 1, right?
I think this will fix it https://github.com/acryldata/datahub-actions/pull/110
the acryl-datahub kafka source still requires pydantic v2, but the datahub-kafka sink does not