Troubleshooting Pydantic Compatibility Error with PyArrow Upgrade

Original Slack Thread

We get pydantic version not compatible error when we upgrade pyarrow

Hey there! :wave:

<@U06TM7M40RK> Can you help with the questions in this thread?

:information_source: Please continue to tag RunLLM (e.g <@U06TM7M40RK>) to have it continue generating responses!

To address the compatibility issue between pydantic and pyarrow, we need to understand the specific versions involved and how they interact with your current setup. Here are some steps and considerations to help resolve the issue:

  1. Identify the Version Conflict:

    • Determine the versions of pydantic and pyarrow that are currently installed. You can do this by running:
      pip show pydantic pyarrow
  2. Check Compatibility:

    • Review the compatibility requirements for both pydantic and pyarrow. It’s possible that a recent upgrade of pyarrow introduced a dependency that conflicts with the version of pydantic you are using.
  3. Pin Compatible Versions:

    • If a specific version of pydantic is required, you may need to pin it to a compatible version. For example, if pydantic v2 is causing issues, you might need to revert to a v1 version:
      pip install 'pydantic<2'
  4. Review DataHub’s Pydantic Usage:

  5. Use Migration Helpers:

  6. Check for Known Issues:

Would you like more detailed steps on any of these troubleshooting points or further assistance on a specific part of the process?


Hi, how did my answer work out for you? Need any more assistance? You can also tag <@U07FV3UHE4D> to let your fellow community members know you’re still looking for guidance.


Hi :slight_smile: ! Did this interaction resolve your issue or do you still require assistance ?

Please tag @ RunLLM if you still need further assistance !

Or tag @Datahub Community Support if you require a person to take a look :slight_smile:

Hope this helps ! ><